Mindful Vocals Lessons Online


Mindful Vocals Advance

K歌之王 - 5節課套餐

Summary of 5 classes:


  1. How to breathe + Breathe usage (腹式呼吸 + 氣息運用)

  2. Vocal fold connection + release (聲帶閉合 + 聲帶解開)

  3. Resonance + Enunciation (共鳴 + 咬字)

  4. Vibrato + Sustaining 延音 + 顫音 + 尾音

  5. Emotion within your singing + Vocal production class (情緒演藝 + 配唱課)

Mindful Vocals 101

零基礎 10節課套餐

Summary of 10 classes:


  1. How to breathe + Breathe usage (腹式呼吸 + 氣息運用)

  2. How to practice pitch (音準練習)

  3. Resonance (共鳴)

  4. Chest voice (胸聲)

  5. Mix voice (混聲)

  6. Head voice (頭聲)

  7. Enunciation (咬字)

  8. Larynx + tongue (喉結 + 舌頭)

  9. Vibrato + Sustaining 延音 + 顫音 + 尾音

  10. Emotion within your singing (情緒演藝)

Sign up for classes




Vocal Production/Recording class



  1. Make HQ mixed and tuned Demo

  2. Train to become a mindful vocalist

  3. Create your Artist profile

Featured Mindful Vocals Artist:


About Mindful Vocals

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About Mindful Vocals:

  • Mindful: adj. - To be aware or attentive

    • Mindful of your breathe usage.

    • Mindful of your vocal folds connection technique.

    • Mindful of each position of your voice.

    • Mindful of yourself when you express with your voice.

My experience:

  • 2021 - ETTV Top STAR Head Vocal Coach 2021 東森新人王總歌唱導師

  • 2020 - ETTV Top STAR Head Vocal Coach 2020 東森新人王總歌唱導師

  • 2019 - ETTV TOP STAR Head Vocal Coach 2019 東森新人王總歌唱導師

  • 2018 – 2021 No Tone Deaf 沒有音痴

  • 2016 - 2021 CAPO Entertainment 開博文化傳媒

  • 2017 - ETTV TOP IDOL Head Vocal Coach 東森新人王總歌唱導師

My mentors:

  • Andy Lee 李涵之 (Tension)

  • Jodi Tomlinson

    -Grammys, Emmy, Golden Globe, Oscars, 阿妹,陶喆,蕭敬騰,李玖哲,林憶蓮,孫燕姿,等等 的大牌老师
